Afara (a·far·a) : Yoruba word for ‘bridge’ or ‘people coming together’

The Afara Collective exists to empower people with the tools needed to dive deeply, honestly, and effectively into the work of dismantling systemic racism.




Our Pillars


Education is at the core of our identity. Our focus is the facilitation of personal and societal growth through exploration of empathy, racial bias, and the understanding of systemic injustice.


Afara is the catalyst but the work is lifelong. Our tools help empower a sense of action, self-regulation, and social accountability in the real world.


Community building with people of diverse lived experiences creates a safe space for the kind of authentic and vulnerable discussion needed to challenge bias and discrimination.

Our Values

Be the bridge

We are committed to opening our eyes, hearts, and minds to the experiences of others without judgment. By sharing what we’ve learned on our journey, we’ll bring others forward with us.

Challenge comfort zones

Just as we push ourselves out of our own comfort zones, we challenge our communities to do the same. If this means confronting unjust situations, we do so without glossing over uncomfortable truths or histories.

Accountability over everything

Acknowledging our biases is the first step, but it must be followed by holding ourselves and each other accountable to avoid slipping back into learned or inherited behaviors. 

Representation matters

We know that representation of different backgrounds leads to more meaningful conversations and more inclusive perspectives. Wherever we go and whatever we do, we strive for representation. 

Lifelong learning

Action cannot happen without education. Even leaders and educators should strive to learn something new about themselves, their communities, or alternative perspectives.

Our Founders

  • Jules Sanders

    Jules Sanders is an experienced education and career development strategist who has worked with students and clients of varying demographics in public, private, independent, and corporate capacities. Jules has led departments, built teams, and is a devout believer in the inherent beauty, value, and strength of diversity. She is a graduate of the Boston University School of Communications and is a proud product of a long line of HBCU graduates who have shaped and informed her outlook and perspective on racial inequity, activism, and black excellence. Inspired by the examples of both her mother and the late John Lewis, Jules seeks to “Be In Good Trouble" and advance the struggle for racial and social justice through the bold mission and vision of Afara.

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  • Liz Williams

    Liz is a multilingual educator with a passion for cross cultural exchange. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Claremont McKenna College and an MBA from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales in Paris, and was a Thomas Watson Fellow in China and a Fulbright scholar in Taiwan. Her 8-year stint as an expat has informed a worldview based on the importance of lifelong learning, curiosity about others, and radical empathy. In addition to professional experiences in finance, education, and entertainment, Liz founded a company providing intercultural awareness training, immersive cultural experiences, and language instruction. Afara represents her personal desire to create opportunities for connection and understanding across cultures.

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